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Photographing Glass L138

Photos allow you to share your work widely and powerfully. But photographing glass can pose unique challenges. In this video, Bullseye photographer Hanmi Meyer shares proven practices, strategies, and pro tips that can help you capture winning images of glasswork—whatever your current skill level.

This lesson covers the entire shooting process, step by step. Logistically, it will guide you in gathering affordable supplies, prepping a shooting space, arranging lighting, choosing camera settings, and playing with image composition. Creatively, it will model how to sidestep glass-specific pitfalls while pursuing satisfying shots.

Following Meyer’s method of problem-solving experimentation, you will be ready to transform meddlesome reflections, highlights, and color inaccuracies into fruitful explorations of lighting, depth of field, focal length, and more.

You already know the fun glass can have with light. Now learn the fun light (and your camera) can have with glass.

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